Our Magickal Creation Process
The fun is truly in the creation process. So much thought, energy, and, most importantly, love goes into each product.

The herbs used for each tea blend, each bar of soap, each botanical product is thoroughly researched and chosen based on its medicinal and spiritual properties.
Crystals are vibrational powerhouses, and each has their own healing properties. The crystals used in our creations are handpicked for their healing qualities and energetically charged under the moon and stars.

Astrological Influences
Crystals and herbs are charged underneath the sun, moon, and sometimes both, before being used in our blends. Planetary placements and influences also go into consideration during the creation process. This adds an additional boost of energetic goodness into each product.
Love & Soul
The tea blends are blended and packaged with two hands.
The soaps are mixed, poured, and decorated with two hands.
The bracelets are designed and strung with two hands.
The bath salts are...well, I'm sure you get my point.
I use "we" a lot when speaking about ESMB. By "we" I'm talking about myself and my family for all of their wonderful support through the stress and joys of creating and running this small business. Though at the end of the day, it is my own two hands that have created the handmade products of ESMB. So if you are ever curious about where our products come from, let's connect and we can chat because I have personally been with each bag of tea, each bar of soap, each jar of Fire Cider, every step of the way. When I say that I put my heart and soul into it, I truly mean it.